Get Started with TourBuilder Go

Below you will find steps to download the The TourBuilder Go App and instructions on getting started.

TourBuilder Go is available in the App Store and Google Play Store!

To download the app, go to the App store or the Google Play store and search TourBuilder Go. 

Once you download the app, follow the below steps to login. 

  1. Log in to the app using your TourBuilder Insights username and password.
  2. When you first open the app, you will be presented with options on what you want to capture. Tap “360 tour” to start capturing your virtual tour.
  3. The TourBuilder Go app will ask which property you want to shoot. Select from the listed properties. If it doesn’t show up on the list, you can search for it.
  4. Select what you will be capturing: an apartment unit or an amenity. 
  5. On the next screen, you will have the option to type in a building number, if applicable. Type in the unit number you are capturing as well as the requested specifications.
  6. Next, TourBuilder Go will ask to use your location. Select the option “allow while using the app."

You're all set! Next, you will connect the camera. 

Click Here To Connect the Ricoh Theta 360 Camera to TourBuilder Go