Streamlining Digital Solutions: Understanding LCP Media’s Integration with Engrain

Learn about the integration between TourBuilder Go and SightMap.

With the partnership between TourBuilder Go and Engrain, your leasing teams can shoot a virtual tour of any unit and seamlessly add it to their interactive SightMap. This integration streamlines the process of showcasing available units to prospects.

Engrain’s SightMap is an interactive property map on community websites and digital marketing channels. It is integrated with the TourBuilder Go unit-level tours so prospects can have a virtual walkthrough experience of available units.

Learn More about SightMap from Engrain

Convenient Unit Selection:

Using TourBuilder Go, on-site teams can capture unit-level virtual tours, and with SightMap, add the latest virtual tour. This makes it easy for leasing teams to keep their SightMap updated with accurate and engaging unit-level tours.

Integration Process:

Just provide LCP Media your Engrain API URL and TourBuilder Insights login and password. Our team will handle the setup process. The integration with Engrain will enable LCP Media to automate adding unit-level tours to your SightMap. 


For reference, here’s an example of how the integration looks in action: Perch - SightMap Example

What Do Clients Need to Do After the First Units Are Shot?

Sit back and relax.

Once we have your credentials, our system will request Engrain to update SightMap with the latest virtual tours. These requests ensure that the most recent content is available for prospects.

We hope this knowledge base document has provided valuable insights into the integration between TourBuilder Go by LCP Media and SightMap by Engrain. If you have any further questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team at