How to Prep an Area For a Virtual Tour Shoot With TourBuilder Go

In this article, we’ll go over all of the points you need to cover while prepping a space for a virtual tour.

Preparing your space before a shoot is just as important as the shoot itself. Making the whole space look great will ensure that you capture your space in its best state. If you have the time to do so, cleaning and organizing the space will improve the outcome of your virtual tour.

Start with a Thorough Walkthrough

A walkthrough before you begin will help you:

  1. Plan the path of the tour
  2. Check the space for any items that need to be removed, cleaned, or organized. This includes making sure everything is consistent and orderly.

When you conduct your walkthrough, be sure to run through the following checklist of items:

Remove clutter – Clear tables and countertops of loose papers, and cards, and remove any other personal items that are not part of the decor.

Hide cords – Cords, wires, or plugs should not be visible. If necessary, unplug items like lamps, fans, microwaves, phones, cables, etc.

Dust all surfaces – Dust particles can be reflected in the light and show up in photographed images, so be sure to open a window or two to allow for fresh air to circulate once dusting is complete.

Clean stains – Pay attention to everything from floor to ceiling. Even something small will be captured in a photograph and especially a virtual tour.

Working Light bulbs – Make sure all light bulbs work and are the same color.

Straighten Decor – If there is any decor, make sure everything is straight from wall art to lampshades.

Remove all seasonal decor – Items like Christmas lights, and holiday decorations will date your virtual tour.

Clean windows  – Make sure the glass is crystal clear and drapes/blinds are consistently pulled or consistently drawn in each room.

  • If pulled, make sure you’re pleased with the view outside because it will show, especially in a virtual tour.
  • If drawn, make sure drapes are freshly pressed, blinds are dusted and any visible ties, cords, rods, etc. are not left askew.

Remove trash cans – All trash cans and any loose trash should be removed from sight.

Bathroom - Toilet seats should be down and shower curtains pulled back to highlight tubs. Remove excess soap or bathroom products if applicable.

TVs and Screens – Make sure they are all off or all have what you would like to have displayed on the screens. (logo, website, etc.)

Ceiling Fans - Make sure all ceiling fans remain off during a shoot.

Quick Checklist:

  • All lights are switched on with all bulbs working
  • Windows, carpets, and mirrors are cleaned
  • Chairs positioned and organized, if applicable
  • Tables set, if applicable
  • Counters and tables de-cluttered
  • Visible areas clear of stray items and personal items 
  • Garbage bins are empty and out of view
  • Cords and wires are hidden
  • All fans, TVs, and any other moving objects are off
  • All doors between rooms you intended to capture are open